Monday, 28 May 2012

What to do with left over chalk board paint?

Well, I have almost an entire can of chalk board paint left over from my son's desk project.
I got to thinking, what else can I use this for?.
I was driving my 6 yr old middle son around yesterday and I saw a garage sale sign and thought I must just pop in and check this one out. When I went there, there was a ton of FREE things (another project I will post later about this free stuff), and the lady also had some canning jars for 25 cents each.

That got my mind racing, what can I use these for? And a big light bulb went off.  These would go great on top of the desk I just painted.

So I grabbed some painters tape and marked out a rectangle shape so I could label the jars for neat items.

This project took me less than 45 minutes from start to finish to complete. It was a fun thing to surprise my son with for when he comes home from school.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Desk Project

So I found this desk at a liquidation sale at a hotel. I got it for 10 bucks and thought it would be perfect for my 8 yr old son for his room.
This is what it looked like when I brought it home. A bit rough for wear but in good sturdy condition. A perfect DIY project for me.

So I sanded it down with some 200 sand grit paper. After washing it down and letting it dry I put some primer on it. Excuse the coke can, it was helping hold the drawer open so it didn't dry shut.

Once I get a few coats of primer put in on it, I am going to paint it and do something really fun and creative with it. Stay tuned as you will see the final project hopefully in a few days.

Well, I got a beautiful blue colour that my son helped pick out. Bliss Blue.
Got the first two coats on and it is ready for the final surprise. 

Drum Roll....and the final project has been completed. It looks like this.
I painted the top of the desk with chalkboard paint. The only thing I have left to do is put the hard wear back on drawer but I spray painted it matt black, so it is still drying in the garage.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Welcome to my DIY blog

I am a self proclaimed frugal person. I admit it. I am a bargain hunter. I scour to find a good deal and even something that someone wants to throw away and make it look pretty.

This was my very first DIY item. I got this beat up 125 yr old decons bench that some man didn't want anymore. I paid him $15 bucks for it. It was beat up and really rough looking. I wish I would of taken a pre-picture of it but I forgot...lesson learned to take a before photo.

Well I decided to do this bench in a white colour to match my decor in my house. I am in love with white furniture look so you will see a bit of that from me as the blogs start to come.

I really hope you enjoy coming on this refurbishing journey with me and get inspired to take the "what did you buy???" to "Amazing, where did you buy that?" and do it for yourself too.